Zilliqa Blog

Latest News and Updates

Announcing the third wave of Zilliqa Ecosystem Grant awardees

Following the successful launch of our mainnet, we’ve begun refocusing our efforts towards our developer community and the next generation of blockchain talent. Through our participation in initiatives such as Future of Blockchain [https://www.forbes.com/sites/ginaclarke/2019/02/12/future-of-blockchain-university-conference-that-aims-to-enlighten-a-generation/#2639ce1c1c84] , our recent launch of Blockchain

Public mining on Zilliqa Testnet v3 is now available

We announced the launch of Testnet v3 [https://blog.zilliqa.com/announcing-testnet-v3-0-codename-mao-shan-wang-fc91189ba3fa] , Mao Shan Wang, last Friday. Mao Shan Wang is a fully-fledged public testnet with the same features as our upcoming mainnet [https://blog.zilliqa.com/zilliqa-project-update-21-details-on-jan-31-2019-mainnet-launch-ec87473966ce] , and this includes public mining. We are excited to share that public