Take a look at our new staking viewer dashboard, which will provide all users with a convenient overview of all staked seed nodes on the testnet.

Since our initial announcement, the Zilliqa staking project has made significant progress. We summarise the key developments for you below:
- Staking smart contract code is now open-sourced and is live on Testnet (v.
) - Bug hunters can now start working on the smart contract to identify unforeseen issues. It will be added to Bugcrowd’s crowdsourced Bug Bounty programme by the end of this week to amplify security measures for all users.
- Potential staked seed node operators like exchanges can begin the staking integration process. Interested potential partners can also assess the staking code, documentation, and start building prototype services for testing.
- Dapps developer and wallet providers can now try out staked seed node services on Testnet
- We have released a staking yield calculator to provide users with an easy estimation of yields.
In this initial phase of the Zilliqa staking program, staking is done through a seed node and a smart contract on the Zilliqa blockchain. The seed node operator who wishes to host an SSN will need to register with the Zilliqa team and deposit a certain minimum number of $ZIL into the staking smart contract. The seed node operator will then receive blockchain rewards at regular intervals according to the performance of its SSN, and in proportion to the amount of $ZIL deposited in the contract during those intervals.
Useful Resources:
Take a look at our new staking viewer dashboard, which will provide all users with a convenient overview of all staked seed nodes on the testnet. https://stg-staking-viewer.zilliqa.com/
- Using this tool, entities such as wallets, block explorers, and exchanges can pick the endpoint they want to use to query.
- It will also enable community members to track the status and uptime of seed nodes. This will help them decide which seed node operator they wish to put their stake on (once it is live on the mainnet).
So far, two parties have begun work on running a staked seed node.
Our open-sourced staking contract: https://github.com/Zilliqa/staking-contract
Our user guide for staked node operator: https://dev.zilliqa.com/docs/en/staking-introduction
Our open-sourced reward calculator utility: https://zilliqa.github.io/staking-calculator-plugin/
For further information on this initial phase of the staking programme, please consult https://dev.zilliqa.com/docs/en/staking-introduction