Zilliqa Monthly Newsletter — September 2020
Zilliqa ended the month with the highest market GalaxyScore™on LunarCrush, with an overall score of 81/100, indicating very bullish relative social + market activity.

With Zilliqa’s non-custodial staking rails firmly set, and we’re riding full speed toward mainnet launch. Along the journey, we’ve got plenty of things to keep you occupied such as the public testnet beta test which you’ve been enjoying, the ZilSwap DEX test, for security nuts out there, the Bug Bounty project should keep things juicy for you. So far, we’ve recorded 582 delegators, 17,596,400 + $ZIL staked, 3,200 + GZIL minted and 8,336 transactions as part of the beta testing.
Constant fixes and refinements are on-going as we get set for the big day — 14/10. Once this happens, you can directly use Zillion, our simplified staking portal, to stake $ZIL to earn passive income and governance rights via the gZIL token. We’ve received fantastic feedback from the community, and would love to continue hearing from you on your experience with Zillion.

Let’s get Technical

Platform Updates:
In preparation for the staking launch, the mainnet will be upgraded to Zilliqa version 6.4.0
. This version will introduce the mining rewards and minimum gas price changes needed for seamless staking.
For those who speak “smart contracts”, other changes will include:
✹ Integration with Scilla v. 0.9.0
✹ Doubled contract code size limit to 50kB
✹ Updates to proxy mining
✹ Updates to GetPendingTxn API. More here
Scilla Updates:
✹ We’re continuing to work on supporting gas mechanics in the VM execution mode, with some major refactoring to accommodate this already implemented in Scilla base
✹ The team will be presenting a poster on the Scilla->LLVM compiler at the 2020 Virtual LLVM developers’ Meeting today
✹ Work is underway on the Scilla-to-TLA+ transpiler, which is a part of the platform’s verification project. We’ve made solid progress supporting almost all of the real-world contract’s features, including the ZRC contracts and the staking contract
Community Updates
After much deliberation, we picked the official gZIL logo from a selection of excellent submissions by our community contestants. Congratulations to @cryptokolik for your fantastic design!

The newly unveiled the Zeeves Loyalty Programme has also received an overwhelming response, thanks to our wonderful community. In this short period, we’ve seen:
✹ 395 Quizzes Created
✹ 6456 Responses
✹~ 50,000 USD bought via Zeeves
✹~ 56,000 USD in transaction volume
✹~ 21,000 total wallets created
Eagerly looking forward to building up Zeeves’ functionality in the coming months and making it a multi-use and most advanced Telegram bot of its kind!
Ecosystem Updates
ZILHive has announced their 7th wave of brilliant grantees. Again, we’d like to extend a big congratulations to XanPool API, Magic, Zilliqa Wallet SDK, Blockchain ETL, Zeydra, Tyron DID, Zeeves v2.0 and Switcheo token bridge
The eighth wave of ZILHive Grants is now open for applications, for those who are interested in turning their ideas into something bigger on the blockchain!
Zilliqa Social Analytics

Zilliqa ended the month with the highest market GalaxyScore™on LunarCrush, with an overall score of 81/100, indicating very bullish relative social + market activity. We ranked 3.6/5 on Price, Social Sentiment was 3.9/5, and saw 3.6/5 for Social Impact was 3.6/5. All in all, a month of solid activity and excitement, reflecting and building on the great work we’ve been doing in 2020…

In the News
✹ Crypto Mobster shared a great “First look at ZilSwap” video. Check out as you try the newly launched ZilSwap this week! More on the DEX can also be found on Altcoin Buzz
✹ Read Amrit Kumar’s guest contribution to Nasdaq on the key drivers that can shape a more sustainable future for DeFi
✹ Crypto Mobcast also discussed the Zilliqa project at length in a “Must Listen” podcast. Check it out here.
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