Welcoming Ilya Sergey and Evan Cheng as advisors to Zilliqa
It’s an honor to announce two new members of our advisory team who are both experts in smart contracts and programming languages: Ilya Sergey and Evan Cheng.

Ilya Sergey
Dr. Ilya Sergey is currently Assistant Professor of Computer Science at University College London (UCL) and is a distinguished researcher in the area of programming languages, program analysis, and formal verification.
He has already worked alongside members of the Zilliqa team on numerous projects, including Scilla, a new verification-friendly smart contract language that solves many of the security issues of existing smart contract programming languages. He co-authored the Scilla whitepaper alongside Amrit and Zilliqa advisor Aquinas Hobor and has appeared in the media recently with Amrit talking about the project. Check out their article from Ian Allison in the IB Times: http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/blockchain-how-write-safe-verifiable-smart-contracts-1657976
Evan Cheng
We are also pleased to welcome Evan Cheng as a Zilliqa advisor. Evan is the ACM Software System Award winner for his contribution to LLVM (2012) and is currently an Engineering Director at Facebook, where he oversees development of programming languages, runtimes, and compilers. He is a veteran in the broad field of programming languages, Evan’s extensive practical experience in building the infrastructure, toolchain, and applications for different programming languages will add significant strength to the Zilliqa team.
Zilliqa is currently aggressively hiring and building the technical staff we need to build our next generation blockchain platform and having expert guidance from both Ilya and Evan will be a tremendous resource for our team.
Once gain, we are excited to have both Ilya and Evan officially joining us!
To learn more about Zilliqa or to discuss technical aspects of our project, feel free to connect with us in any of our official channels below:
Telegram: https://t.me/zilliqachat
Slack: https://invite.zilliqa.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/zilliqa