Moving Technical Conversations to Discord

The Zilliqa Developer Community is moving to Discord! Meaningful engagement is critical to building a strong community. While it may be hard to create or measure, it is the magic ingredient needed to bring new devs on board

Enriching our technical conversations

The Zilliqa Developer Community is moving to Discord! Meaningful engagement is critical to building a strong community. While it may be hard to create or measure, it is the magic ingredient needed to bring new devs on board, and to create more collaborative spirit among existing members. We believe Discord will help us better educate people about Scilla and Zilliqa, and help us achieve better engagement.

Why The Move?

Change is good. Result-driven change is better.

As you know, we are currently on Gitter, which has pros and cons. It is undoubtedly a good tool for starting conversations. On the other hand, these conversations end up getting muddled up with other topics, and the potential impact of meaningful interaction & knowledge-exchange is diluted, if not eliminated altogether. Based on the recent community survey and our internal analysis, we have assessed that moving to Discord should provide our community richer conversations and more meaningful interactions.

The Zilliqa community is made of builders, developers and entrepreneurs from all corners of the world. Each member brings his or her expertise, ideas and vision to the community, hoping it can be enriched via discussions and collaborations. Our aim is to provide you with a user-friendly and enabling platform which has the tools to help you in this process.

Hmm, ok. But why Discord?

The right tool for the right job

As the crypto space evolves and best practices emerge, Discord has become one the tools used by a growing number of projects. Many of our friends in the space have chosen Discord to host technical conversations, some of which have resulted in significant contributions in the development of their respective projects. We want to empower our community to do the same, and in the spirit of decentralization, we’re looking to further blur the lines between our core dev team and the community developers.

Discord will enable our community to:

  • Engage in richer and more fruitful technical conversations
  • Get updates on all the cool projects that #BuildOnZIL
  • Interact with the Zilliqa Platform and Languages teams

I’ll bite, when is this happening?

We will be migrating to Discord on September 10th. In the meantime, if you’re an existing project looking to host a channel on our Discord server, feel free to send an email to [email protected].

Here’s how you can follow our progress — we would love to have you join our community of technology, financial services, and crypto enthusiasts!

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